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My Experience Speaking at the Garner Circle F.A.M.E. PR 101 Workshop

posted on
March 6th, 2010
written by
Joey Digital

Just got back from speaking on sponsorship at The Garner Circle’s 2nd F.A.M.E. PR 101 Workshop, and it was awesome (despite my infamous pool incident). There was so much knowledge and energy in the room that it lasted an additional 90 minutes. Those folks definitely got their money’s worth.

My 10-minute presentation focused on the “30,000 Foot View” of Acquiring Event Sponsorship: The 30,000 Foot View (isn’t that 900,000,000 feet?!). There was no literally no way that I could cram all of that info into a coherent 10-minute presentation, but I gave it the old college try. I touched on how PR aides in making the brand feel “all warm & cozy on the inside” with high-impact media mentions. Remember, this is a relationship and everyone wants to feel good in a relationship. However, I forgot to mention how media mentions help to reduce the friction when wooing potential brand/agency managers. When the brand manager sees the client in the news, then gets introduced a few days later by a trusted contact, they’re going to really listen to what you have to say.

I was the first presenter, and the rest of the speakers were so good that I stayed to the end and I took notes myself. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a PR person. So getting a chance to understand the PR world from rock stars was extremely beneficial.

Some of the speakers were: Amani Channel (urbanreporter</a>), <strong>I'na Saulsberry</strong> (<a href="http://www.twitter.com/starfiregroup" target="_blank">starfiregroup), Alicia Edwards (examiner.com aliciafashiona</a>), <strong>Margaret Kargbo</strong> (<a href="http://www.twitter.com/margo79" target="_blank">margo79), Jen Farris (ZDennis_ArtsPR</a>), <strong>Saptosa Foster</strong> (<a onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/exit/to/Saptosa135th')" href="http://twitter.com/Saptosa135th">Saptosa135th), Fadia Kader (fadiakader</a>), <strong>Ashley Peden</strong> (McDonald's), <strong>Nina Brown</strong> (V-103 <a onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/exit/to/ninabrown')" href="http://twitter.com/ninabrown">ninabrown), Isoul Harris (IsoulHarris</a>), Gyant (<a href="http://www.twitter.com/gyantunplugged" target="_blank">gyantunplugged), and Kimberly Walker (@kimmygotsoul), among others from Bossip, HipHopWired.com and Rolling Out.

I’d like to thank Nicole Garner (thegarnercircle</a>) for inviting me to speak (the great cupcake was delicious), and for putting on an educational experience for a bunch of people who are looking to get better with the help of <strong>Daniel Dickey</strong> (<a onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/exit/to/mrdanieldickey')" href="http://twitter.com/mrdanieldickey">mrdanieldickey), PJ (@HipHopPublicist), and some great interns.

You can view/download my presentation on Slideshare here:



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